Where is the Love of God?

Michael WilliamsonHow can we love an invisible God? How can we experience His love much less introduce others to His love for them? We say “God is love” and we Christians believe it, but how can we prove it to ourselves and others?

Where is the Love of God made visible? Actually … right here at BAC!

The invisibility of God is a great problem. It was already a problem to God’s people in Old Testament days. Their pagan neighbours would taunt them, saying, “Where now is your God?” Their gods were visible and tangible, but Israel’s God was neither. Today in our scientific culture young people are taught not to believe in anything which is not open to empirical investigation. How then has God solved the problem of His own invisibility? The first answer is of course “in Christ.” Jesus Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. John 1:18: “No one has ever seen God, but God the only Son has made him known.” “That’s wonderful,” people say, “but it was 2,000 years ago. Is there no way by which the invisible God makes Himself visible today?” There is. We return to 1 John 4:12: “No one has ever seen God.” It is precisely the same introductory statement, but instead of continuing with reference to the Son of God, it continues: “If we love one another, God dwells in us.” In other words, the invisible God, who once made Himself visible in Christ, now makes Himself visible in Christians, if we love one another. The local church cannot evangelise, proclaiming the gospel of love, if it is not itself a community of love.*  

The love of God is made visible amongst the people of God when Christians love one another in the local church. It’s a breathtaking claim but it’s true! Our life of love together here at BAC makes our invisible God visible! So next time you need to prove the love of God you can say, “Come to BAC and I’ll show you!”

* Stott. J. “Why Don’t They Listen, 2003


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